To our furry friends, the team at Catlux presents you the best seat in the house!
Catlux Softwood Clumping Litter - Available in 6L, 24L and 30L Bags
Litter that is soft on your paws, keeps you calm & stress-free.
It makes you feel like you're outside when you're actually inside minding your own business. Your owners will love it too cause they've got it easy - they can compost it or just bin the used litter, so no complaints there.
As cats all over Australia know - it's the best seat in the house! Thanks for supporting our Aussie made product!
This product contains softwood chips and less than 30% bentonite.

Catlux Crystals
- Made from highly absorbent silica gel crystals - non clumping
- Great alternative to the preferred Catlux Softwood Clumping Litter
- Low dust
- With added freshener and anti-bacterial crystals
- Fast acting absorption
- Eliminates odours
- 3kg lasts up to 2.5 weeks

Catlux Cat Litter is proudly manufactured and distributed by Fourwoods Enterprises Pty Ltd.
Remember Cat Litter is purposely made for Cats, please seek professional advice if you want to use Catlux with small animals, to name a few like mice, rats, snakes and guinea pigs.